homeless person with sign homless with sign

Many of us are currently struggling with a variety of things, but we wouldn’t think about writing our issues down on a cardboard sign for everyone to see. I have passed dozens of people with signs in my life (maybe hundreds). Each person had a struggle and a story. It didn’t matter whether they really needed the money; or whether they would use the money on alcohol and drugs. They were making a simple cry for help.

A few weeks ago I passed a guy on a corner with a sign because I needed to go and do seminary homework. I passed up the obvious opportunity to bless someone with the love of Jesus in order to go study about being more like Jesus. Something is wrong with that.

I have made a personal vow to see each person holding a sign as an opportunity from God to be led by the Spirit in imitating Jesus Christ. Is it biblical to help someone in need? Would Jesus stop and engage this person with love? Yes, and Yes. I had an another opportunity to do just that this afternoon with a young Latino woman and her child in a Walmart parking lot. I was gifted with the opportunity to stop, get out of my car, walk up to this woman, look into her eyes, shake her hand, see her beautiful smile, give her some money, and pray the blessing of our Abba Father over her.

“Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children. Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ. He loved us and offered himself as a sacrifice for us, a pleasing aroma to God.”
(Ephesians 5:1-2)

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